Sunday, February 04, 2007

The stew's second rate, but the rolls are hot!!

Brit-yo, Bailey-yo, Pappy and I bailed early from the reception on the beach. Might have been the 50 degree weather--or perchance the gale. Scuttled the idea of the Rum Happy Hour in Pappy's room, what with no ice, electric, or wide-screen. We actually had all the amenities until the major electrical fire and evacuation earlier in the day. So, we made our way to McCabes in downtown Naples, a friendly watering hole for which I had fond memories. Last year at this time, McCabes was hopping on a Thursday night, and the two Irish entertainers had the crowd buying them rounds and heartily (sometimes lustily) singing along.

This year, the northern climes have been mild and the crowds are staying away in droves. McCabes is quiet, no music on a Monday night, and the cold weather seems to discouraged even the stalwarts among the snowbirds. OK, at least a chance to try out the lamb stew. The Irish waiter appears for our drink order; he turns out to be from Rumania. Nice enough lad, hopes to stay but misses the seasons. Not long for Florida, I fear.

The lamb stew turns out to be a disappointment, but Pappy (the Russdog) orders a round of Patrone Silver shots and subsequently notices that the accompanying rolls have a distinct character all their own.

Hard to fault Pappy for his highly-developed power of observation. Presents an opportunity for Seamus-yo to throw a little fear into Brit-yo and Bailey-yo, "Do you know what I can do with this in Photoshop?"

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