This year, the northern climes have been mild and the crowds are staying away in droves. McCabes is quiet, no music on a Monday night, and the cold weather seems to discouraged even the stalwarts among the snowbirds. OK, at least a chance to try out the lamb stew. The Irish waiter appears for our drink order; he turns out to be from Rumania. Nice enough lad, hopes to stay but misses the seasons. Not long for Florida, I fear.
The lamb stew turns out to be a disappointment, but Pappy (the Russdog) orders a round of Patrone Silver shots and subsequently notices that the accompanying rolls have a distinct character all their own.

Hard to fault Pappy for his highly-developed power of observation. Presents an opportunity for Seamus-yo to throw a little fear into Brit-yo and Bailey-yo, "Do you know what I can do with this in Photoshop?"